Hart, L.S.: Milieu management in the treatment of drug addiction: Effects of rehabilitation. Drug Forum, 2: 65-68, 1972.
Hart, L.S.: Milieu management for drug addicts: Extended subculture or rehabilitation.
British Journal of Addiction, 67: 237-301, 1972.
Hart, L.S.: The effects of noxious subliminal stimuli upon the modification of attitudes Toward alcoholism: A pilot study.
British Journal of Addiction, 68: 87-90, 1973.
Hart, L.S.: Attitudes toward drug abuse among residents in a therapeutic community.
International Journal of Addictions, 8: 809-810, 1973.
Hart, L.S.: Attitudes toward alcoholism among a group of female alcoholics. British
Journal of Addiction, 69: 311-314, 1974.
Hart, L.S.: Attitudes toward drug abuse: A comparison of therapeutic community (concept) residents and methadone patients.
British Journal of Addiction, 69: 375-379, 1974.
Hart, L.S.: Attitudes toward alcoholism among a group of hospitalized skidrow alcoholics.
International Journal of Addictions, 10: 369-371, 1975.
Hart, L.S. and Krogh, L.: Problems of adjustment reported among a group of heroin addicts.
International Journal of the Addictions, 10: 433-411, 1975.
Hart, L.S.: Attitudes toward alcoholism and drug abuse among a group of highschool students.
Journal of Drug Education, 5: 351-357, 1975.
Hart, L.S.: Attitudes regarding drug abuse among a group of ex-addict staff members.
International Journal of Addictions, 11: 35-39, 1976.
Hart, L.S.: Attitudes toward alcoholism among a group of rehabilitation counselors: An exploratory study.
Drug Forum, 5: 139-141, 1976.
Hart, L.S.: Attitudes regarding alcoholism among a group of drinking drivers.
International Journal of Addictions, 12: 411-415, 1977.
Hart, L.S.: Rehabilitation need patterns of men alcoholics. Journal of Studies on Alcohol, 38: 494-511, 1977.
Hart, L.S., and Trotter, A.B.: Alcoholism-disability versus handicap: An important distinction.
Journal of Studies on Alcohol, 38: 1443-1446, 1977.
Hart, L.S.: A review of treatment and rehabilitation legislation regarding alcohol abusers and alcoholics in the United States: 1920-1971.
International Journal of Addictions, 12: 667-678, 1977.
Hart, L.S.: A preliminary study of differential rehabilitation need profiles of alcoholic clients.
Rehabilitation Counseling Bulletin, 21: 292-299, 1977.
Hart, L.S.: A 16 PF study of women alcoholics.
Journal of Studies on Alcohol. 40: 1082-1084, 1979.
Hart, L.S., and Stueland, D.: An application of the multidimensional model of alcoholism to program effectiveness: Classification of alcoholics by mode analysis.
Journal of Studies on Alcohol, 40: 283-290, 1979.
Hart, L.S., and Stueland, D.: An application of the multidimensional model of alcoholism to program effectiveness: Rehabilitation status and outcome.
Journal of Studies on Alcohol, 40: 645-655, 1979.
Hart, L.S., and Stueland, D.: The relationship of sociodemographic and drinking variables to differentiated subgroups of alcoholics.
Community Mental Health Journal,
15: 47-51, 1979.
Hart, L.S., and Stueland, D.: Classification of women alcoholics by Cattell’s 16 PF.
Journal of Studies on Alcohol, 41: 911-921, 1980.
Hart, L.S., and Stueland, D.: The relationship between changes in drinking behavior and psychological need satisfaction.
Journal of Studies on Alcohol, 43: 393-396, 1982.
Junior Authorship:
Stueland, D., and Hart, L.S.: A canonical correlation analysis of the alcohol-use inventory and human service scale.
Journal of Behavioral Medicine, 2: 275-283, 1979.
Hart, L.S., and Weiss, T.: Current psychosomatic approaches to the treatment of coronary heart disease. Chapter in: R. Gallon (ed.), Psychosomatic Treatment of Illness. N. Holland Elsevier, 1982.
Hart, L.S.: Rehabilitation of the Alcoholic. Chapter in: Paterson, E.M. and Kaufman, E. (eds.), The American handbook of Alcoholism. Gardner Press, New York 1982.
Abstracts: Copyrighted Works
Hart, L.S. and Steketee, G.: A behaviorally-based training model for the acquisition of interviewing skills. (Training manual, presented at Temple University School of
Medicine, Department of Psychiatry, Behavior Therapy Unit.)
Hart, L.S.: Manual for research and clinical practice in the treatment of type A behavior pattern: Methods of assessment and state-of-the-art behavioral interventions..
Hart, L.S.: Planning, implementation and expansion of a primary and secondary intervention program in a center for behavioral cardiology.
Hart, L.S.: Conquering Bulimia Through Cognitive-Behavior Therapy: Self-Management and clinical procedures. July, 1983, 90 pages.
Hart, L.S.: On psychological rehabilitation. American Psychologist, 33: 396, 1978.
Hart, L.S.: Counselors and medical care. APGA Guidepost, 21: 2, 1978.
Hart, L.S.: Health care, coping counselors. Personnel and Guidance Journal, 57: 229-230, 1979.
Hart, L.S.: Getting well: Psychology’s role. American Psychological Association Monitor, 9: (12); 3, 1978.
Hart, L.S.: Evaluation in clinical behavioral medicine. American Psychologist, 35: 771-772, 1980.
Hart, L.S.: When nurses are at risk. Oregon Nurses Association News, 19: 1-5, 1987
Hart, L.S.: Behavioral health controls are not mutually exclusive. Employee Benefit
News, 8: 39-41, 1994.
Hart, L.S.: Direct access systems no enemy to quality. Employee Benefit News, 8: 11, 22-23, 1994.
Hart, L.S.: Business strategies etiquette need change, psychologist says. The National Psychologist, March/April, 1994.
Hart, L.S.: Strive for balance with multispecialty groups. Employee Benefit News, 9: 3, 44-45, 47, 1995.
Hart, L.S.: Evaluation of Miranda Rights and Waivers. The Oregon Defense Attorney, July/August: 8-9, 2009.
Hart, L.S. Malingered Mental States, Impairment and Criminal Responsibility. The Oregon Defense
Attorney, June/July, 22-24, 2012.
Sorensen, A.A.: Some notes on milieu management for drug addicts. British Journal of Addiction, 69: 381-385, 1974. A comment on Hart, British Journal of Addiction, 67: 297-301.
Woody, G.E., Luborsky, L., McLellan, A.T., O’Brien, C.P., Beck, A.T., Blaine, J., Herman, I., and Hole, A.: Psychotherapy for opiate addicts: Does it help? Archives of General Psychiatry, 40: 639-645,1983. (Principal psychotherapist in psychotherapy outcome study).
Allegretti, D.: The midwinter blues. The Capitol Times, 2/9/84. P.39 Interview regarding the seasonability of depression).
Kinney, T.: Early prevention is best cure for anorexia. The Community Life, 2/8/84, p. 2. (Interview on psychological and social antecedents in the development of eating disorders).
Book Reviews:
Hart, L.S.: A therapist’s manual for secondary prevention of alcohol problems: procedures for teaching moderate drinking and abstinence by Martha Sanchez-Craig.
Toronto: Addiction Research Foundation, 1984. Journal of Studies on Alcohol, 46: 6, 544, 1985.
Battered Woman Syndrome and Why People Lie. Oregon Trial Lawyers Association, Family Law Meeting,
September 16, 2010.